The Proficiency Testing Program (PTP) aims to compare and evaluate the results of tests conducted on soils in compliance with EN ISO 17892-1 through EN ISO 17892-12, EN 13286-2 and EN 13286-47. The program strives to provide objective information about the measuring skills of PTP participants. The primary criterion for participation is timely registration for the program. The prerequisites for obtaining the Certificate of Participation and the Final Report on the Results of Interlaboratory Comparison are timely fee payment and adherence to the schedule.
Trade surcharge of 62 % for selected countries (Algeria, Colombia, etc.). This is a fee associated with the complexity of documents and tax administration.
Contact person
This person will be sent information related to testing and may be contacted about additional details.
Invoicing Address
Invoicing Postal Address
Choose tests you wish to perform as part of the event
You have chosen
{{ctrl.selectedTests.length}} tests with the total cost of
{{ctrl.SelectedPrice()}} CZK
Deliver my specimens
If you selected that you wish to have the test specimens delivered, please fill in the delivery address.
Choose the form of the final report and its language or send us a message concerning your registration.